What Is The Procedure For Root Canal Treatment?

Stephen Romero - April 6, 2023

A root canal is a dental treatment that involves removing deep tooth infections. Tooth infection treatment is necessary, or the disease can reach deep inside the tooth and lead to tooth loss. Once the infection spreads, your tooth will be fully damaged; the only way to stop the disease is to remove the tooth. That is why it is necessary to treat it early to prevent tooth loss.

Bacteria can quickly enter the tooth’s pulp if there is a deep cavity or loose filling. If this happens, the tooth pulp becomes diseased, it cannot restore itself, and the tissue dies. So, dentists usually recommend root canal therapy to permanently save the tooth and eliminate the pain. If the infection has reached deep inside and cannot be protected, the next best option is same-day dental implants if your dentist cannot save your tooth. But, an artificial tooth cannot work like a natural tooth, so it is best to keep the natural tooth from functioning normally like natural teeth.

What are the steps of a root canal?

Root canal therapy involves three steps, requiring one to three sessions.

Cleaning the root canal

Your dentist will first clean the tooth and inside the root canal. Your dentist near me houston, will then use anesthesia and make a hole in the tooth to remove the dead and diseased pulp with their tools.

Filling the root canal

The dentist next cleans, shapes, and decontaminates the area with the help of the dental tool and irrigation solutions. Then the root canal specialist houston, fills the tooth with a material, using adhesive to seal the canals.

During root canal therapy, the nerve tissue is removed. Also, th infection is cleaned so the tooth becomes dead, and you will no longer feel pain or discomfort in the affected tooth.

Crown or filling

The root canal dentist, houston, will now crown the tooth, which will be more delicate than before. A Crown or a filling is necessary to give the tooth support. Until the tooth heals completely, don’t bite or chew on the tooth. Once a crown or filling is completed and cured correctly, you can use the tooth like before.

Treatment often only requires one appointment, but if there are several canals or serious diseases, it may need one or two more.

How painful is it?

One of the significant concerns with this kind of therapy is that it will be painful. However, the procedure performed by a qualified dental surgeon should be relatively painless.

The infection causes discomfort and pain to the tooth, not the medication. Rather than causing pain, the treatment works to lessen it. The dental surgeon will use a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and surrounding area to make the treatment less painful.

You may feel a little pain which is expected during the procedure. It will pass, and over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers may help you to relieve it.

In Conclusion:

If you feel pain or other symptoms in your teeth, consider talking to your dental root canal near me before the infection damages the tooth thoroughly. Book an appointment now and discuss your symptoms.


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Stephen Romero

Stephen Romer has decades of experience and expertise in consultative marketing, sales, management, tech, and lifestyle. He has given notable seminars, featured on media for his exceptional writing skills.


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