braces color wheel

What Should You Consider When Choosing Colors From the Color Wheel?

Stephen Romero - January 19, 2023

Choosing the right color from the braces color wheel may become complicated with many braces colors. It involves knowing which color will suit you the best. However, it is challenging to choose from various colors. But don't worry if you... Read More

orthodontists Miami fl

What Exactly Are Bite Turbos?

Stephen Romero - January 4, 2023

Bite turbos are tiny metal or acrylic pads or ramps. They are often cemented to the chewing surfaces of any rear teeth or the back surfaces of upper front teeth. Bite turbos are available in various colors, including metallic, red, and... Read More

Kids Braces

When Can You Tell Your Kids Need Braces?

Stephen Romero - September 2, 2022

You are already aware that there are several types of braces for kids available at your local dental clinic, which can align your child's teeth just in time so that the child would not encounter difficulty in the future. But... Read More

about me

Stephen Romer has decades of experience and expertise in consultative marketing, sales, management, tech, and lifestyle. He has given notable seminars, featured on media for his exceptional writing skills.

Stephen Romero


